Just a few interesting things to think about.
Krista V
"This is the DVD that Mother and I watched with Cousin Beth and Victoria on our retreat.

It was good, but I didn't get any notes. We are going to be showing it to a group of Mothers and Daughters on October 3, 2008, at 1:30, at the library. Here is the description: http://www.visionforum.com/browse/productdetail.aspx?src=l8ih7&productid=44560
What is Biblical Femininity? Cultivating Sturdy Virtue in Today’s Daughters.
For several generations, feminists have actively subverted godly womanhood and redefined the priorities of daughters, pushing girls toward independence and indifference for the role that God has designed for them. Thankfully, many Christians are beginning to see the futility of the feminist ideal, yet this question must be clearly answered: just what is “biblical femininity”?In this powerful message, Anna Sofia and Elizabeth Botkin seek to explain what biblical femininity is and what it is not. True femininity, they maintain, is not based on tradition, stereotypes, or romantic images from the past. It doesn’t matter how “girly” a girl’s clothes are or how good her manners are — if a lady’s heart is not devoted to putting biblical priorities first, she’s not practicing femininity as God designed it. Given at the Vision Forum Ministry's Father Daughter Retreat, this inspirational message provides hope and encouragement for ladies young and old.Anna Sofia and Elizabeth Botkin are the only daughters of Geoff and Victoria Botkin, and they, along with their five brothers, share their family’s vision for cultural reformation. As the authors of the best-selling book, So Much More, and the producers of the recent film, Return of the Daughters, their passion is to encourage daughters to embrace biblical femininity and to rebuild Christian culture, starting with the culture of the home.
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